Fashion and Textile Recruitment Agency

Automate your fashion and textile recruitment process in just 3 clicks. We select talent one by one, for effortless gains in productivity, efficiency and versatility.

Find Freelance Fashion Experts for Designer Brands.

Freelance recruitment doesn't have to be complex

The recruitment and appropriation of skills is one of the most important variables in the development of a fashion brand. Between job boards and talent screening, the method is far from simple. Automate it, make it easy to digest and understand, and streamline your process in just 3 clicks.

Fashion professions available

  • Stylist

  • Model maker

  • Textile Designer

  • Fashion photographer

  • Photo stylist

Find a key skill by filling in a form

Nothing could be more complicated. Once you've created your accesses, all you have to do is fill in a form to acquire the skills you need to develop your brand.

Greenwashing in fashion.

Short lists

We hand-select every candidate we propose. No more searching by hand.

Eliminate the lack of versatility in your creative teams

Don't know what crucial specializations your teams are lacking?
Express your needs, and we'll translate them into specializations.

One Solution for All Your Fashion Freelance Recruitment Needs

Find all the fashion & textile expertise you need fast, digitalize your recruitment process, access a multitude of pre-selected talent right from your computer.
It's that simple. Simplified recruitment for accelerated growth.

Recruit a fashion freelancer in 1 click

Frequently asked questions


Why work with fashion and textile freelancers?

Fashion brands that use freelancers gain access to targeted skills quickly, without the need to train teams for a temporary period.

There are a number of reasons for this, whether it's to gain versatility, to test the relevance of integrating this skill into their workforce, or because of the complexity of integration.


What's the difference between a fashion and textile recruitment agency and a freelance platform?

Both solutions work and have different objectives. A recruitment agency is often used to call on a profile with specific expertise, but for a permanent position.

Our platform uses freelancers only, and offers a more flexible recruitment process tailored to the customer's needs.


What's the difference between a generalist and a specialized freelance platform?

Unlike many existing platforms, we only work with players in the fashion and textile industries. This enables us to use very precise filters, tailored to just one industry, which simplifies and accelerates your talent search.