Fashion magazines

The all-in-one tool for easy campaign and editorial production

Specialized platform of fashion freelance top talents to increase and facilitate the efficiency and development of your collaborators within your fashion magazine.

Find photo stylists and art directors for fashion magazines.

Hand-picked freelance talent

It's not always clear whether a talent is up to your standards. That's why you should probably encourage your network. But it's not always possible to find effective talent that's available immediately. That's what we do.

Convert weeks of sourcing to only 3 clicks by automating this task

If you don't find the talent you're looking for in your network, you'll have to choose different communication channels that are costly over time. Why not automate this step?

Outsourcing recruitment is expensive

When using traditional agencies, the cost of external recruitment can be very high. We are a 100% digital platform, which is how we can offer low rates.

Use of specialized fashion filters

Using a specialized fashion platform is about making sure you understand each other. We understand the issues you face and we use very precise filters, customized to fit only the fashion industry.

Frequently asked questions


How do you know if the talent is really qualified?

We accept profiles manually, it is a private and not open platform.
Entry tests are adapted for each profile specialization.
Trying is adopting, our offer is without commitment.


What types of jobs will I find on your fashion freelance platform?

Currently, we mainly deal with "creative professions" including photo stylists, clothing stylists, fashion photographers and art directors.


Can we know the price in advance?

We make every effort to ensure that our prices are as understandable and transparent as possible.

This is a fixed price in the form of a fixed monthly fee.


Why not find the talent I need myself?

You can indeed find your own talent independently. But don't you think that you will gain more autonomy, independence and productivity by automating this task?

Accelerate the development of your fashion magazine

Recruit a fashion freelancer in 3 clicks
To make print work, more and more publishers are focusing more on committed niche markets at the expense of the general public like Black Fashion Fair.

But to make this shift, a lot of testing is required.

You don't always want to engage with new talent without trying many alternatives.

Working with freelancers is the solution to this problem.

Working with freelancers who specialize in your chosen field is an even better solution.

That's why we've brought Apshan to life - a 100% specialized fashion platform to simplify the versatility and testing of fashion magazines.

Try it without obligation. No download. Only 3 clicks. Available now.
In Soo